And Trump is part of that. I vividly remember it like it was yesterday. I was watching the news on TV and they were verbally abusing Trump who was the President at the time. Something seemed really off. I walked close to the TV so I could get a good look at Trump and then I received what I could only call a 'download' from the Holy Spirit. I knew they were lying. I felt hope for the future. Since then,
Dreams can be a mystery. Some are so clear, others are not. Some come with deep input which I do not understand. Some dreams are not literal and need the Holy Spirits discernment. Some maybe just my mind processing things from the day and they may have no meaning. I share them because I believe the Lord is highlighting our dreams. He does talk to us in the night. We need to pay more attention, pray and discern.
Monday 26 October 2020
I was near an entrance to a door. I was holding a little lamb in my arms. It was very young. A man walked into the entrance. He did not look at me or speak. He was steering at the lamb. At first, I thought he must really like it but then he became too focused on it. He tried to grab its leg, pretending to pat it but I knew he was trying to break it. I got a sense he was incredibly evil. He was trying to force his fist inside its body, I could feel the hate from him. He couldn't hurt the lamb as it was in my arms, but he wanted too - so bad. It was very upsetting.
I woke up feeling very disturbed and spoke to Jesus and said, what was that all about? I said to him; 'YOU are the lamb of God'. I heard him say gently, no Anna you are the lamb, the man is satan. When he said these words, I knew exactly what he was saying to me. It was a personal message from the Lord about a certain situation I was struggling with. Wow - that changed my life.
23 November 2020
I was praying for someone to be released. I saw the look on their face and knew they were bound. Before I had finished my prayer, God feed them. Their whole face changed to peace and happiness.
End of November 2020
I was packing some things away but then as I put my hand on a lid, the lids multiplied.
2 January 2021
I was looking from a distance into a large empty room. There were 3 men of different heights on this roundabout thing that was turning. The men were of different nationalities. I was then caught up in the air and flown over to these men. I was set down and watched it slow down and stop at this one man. He was Caucasian/white. He looked very aristocrat. His clothes were old like those of a well to do man from a couple of hundred years ago. He had greyish hair, a strong face and a beard. I looked intently at him. He barely moved. I wasn't afraid. The other two men had darker skin, one darker than the other. I knew right then that God was in control of the world, and he has it all in his hands.
20 January 2021
I was at the front of a church. A white carriage with horses were standing in the aisle. I was with a few others, and we seemed to be important somehow. We proceeded to make our way in front of the bride/carriage. I was worried as we were walking in front of her. I felt very embarrassed thinking it was very dishonorable to go in front. A man said 'YES, this is the way it is meant to be'. The altar was very close, and I thought that was so odd as it was such a short ride to the alter.
May 2021
I was waking from taking a nap and saw in my spirit a hand with a white cloth cleaning a beautiful sword. It was stunning. This sword had iniids on it from stabbing someone? things? It was very vivid.
(I think that has to do with spiritual warfare)
21 June 2021
I saw myself reading clearly, however my glasses were not on. Jesus had healed me
13 August 2021
I saw 3 people, one was a woman. They were in a basement (of parliament buildings) and there was a large stone table. There were no chairs. There was a tiny vertical window on the left. This scene then turned into a photo. On the top left of the photo were two items. One under the other. One was a toy for babies, and the other for older children. I knew it was about the covid injections. They were going to vaccinate the children. I felt it was all secret and sinister.
(They had not yet at the time started vaccinating the children in NZ - this may confuse and upset people - I just have to say it like it is.
Personal note: It is now early 2025 - if you only listen to the mainstream media then you will have no idea of the injuries and deaths caused by these. I do not say this to cause division and heart ache, it is just the truth. And the truth will come out.
16 October 2021
I was visiting a woman who I knew in real life. She is paralyzed. However, when it came time to go, she got up out of her wheelchair and walked ahead of me. I was shocked.
30 October 2021
There were baby kittens in a cage, they were so cute. Nothing seemed wrong.
Then I knew that I was ordered to give them some poison to kill them. I was to put some of these drops in the cage. I saw this cylinder type with a cap in my hands, but I refused to do it. I then knew that someone else had already put a dose in, No one else was there to see me not do it. I had a choice. It was very vivid and disturbing.
Personal note: It all felt wrong, and I felt I was to speak up against the vaccinations and warn people.
21 February 2022
I was outside walking up a road. It was slightly uphill. All of a sudden, I was paralyzed. I could barely move. There was a horrid presence of evil. I managed to drag myself to an open door of a house. Somehow, I knew Christians lived there. They came to help but they too were affected by this evil presence. However - quickly this evil was overcome, and it left. I woke up and felt totally free and I didn't even dwell on the dream. I was free.
March 2022
Twins came up in my dreams all night.
31 March 2022
I could see a sea of many library books. They had a white cloth over them. They seemed to come up in my dreams all night.
18 April 2022
I was riding a horse over a beautiful bed of green vines. Then the vines seemed to open up. There was a hole and I could look down to earth and see towns and houses with lights on.
1 July 2022
I saw parts of our Prime Ministers Jacinda Adern's hand being removed. God was removing her. I saw her fingers being lifted off one by one.
(Christopher Luxon became the Prime Minister in 2023. He entered Parliament in 2020, winning the safe Auckland seat of Botany, and became party leader in November 2021)
Personal note: I am watching this space. I believe Christopher Luxon is God's chosen and anointed. I have known for many years before he was even in Parliament - that he would become Prime Minister one day and it will be a good thing. (I knew him only as a young adult) I am watching this space. Time will tell.
10 August 2022
I heard many trumpets throughout the night in my dreams
20 August 2022
Something about subliminal messages, however they were identified individually so they could be exposed and seen for what they were.
October 2022
A chap was full of tattoos. I asked if he liked them. He said no. I then said, 'if I pray for you and they disappeared would you believe in Jesus?' He said yes.
17 October 2022
There were 5 of us women of different age. I was the age in real life. We were servants. We had not long finished work for the day. We lived in this beautiful house; it was just as nice and the main house of the people we worked for. Identical, just smaller.
Three of the women were in one bed, I was with the other. she was a very respected woman. She was larger than any of us. It seemed like we had all gathered as we knew this was this womans last night. She was leaving. I carefully folded my side of the blankets over her as a sign of respect. The folds were very detailed and neat. Beautiful pleats. They covered her making sure she was warm and cared for. Everyone was quiet. I never saw this womans face. I saw the others. I started sobbing. I was the only one who did. I woke up. I was quite overcome with emotions. It was enormous. It was deep in my spirit.
31 October 2022
I saw money in my hands, 2 $100 notes, 2 $50 notes and some $20s.
Personal note: Real life - We bought a washing machine that day and saved $359 dollars. Amazing.
7 November 2022
Lightening hit a tin can, then it just kept jumping on its own. I cast the spirit out of the can.
I also dreamed this night - black gumboots lying down. It had the name Abercrombie and Fitch on them.
On 23 October 2024 Mike Jeffries: Former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch indicted on sex trafficking charges | CNN Business
1 January 2023
My hand was swollen, and my skin was growing up over my nails. I spoke out loud. It woke me up. I was rebuking the enemy.
10 January 2023 x 2 dreams
I remember tilling some soil, and it was good soil.
I was out walking, a little boy with blonde hair had not long collapsed on the road. Someone was trying to revive him. I went over, sat him up and spoke for his breath to come back, and he came around and was totally healed.
15 January 2023
I was walking with a group of people along a street. We came across a business building. It had a long drive down to the building. On the fence line there was this round ball kind of thing on top of the fence. You could see through the ball, but not totally identify what was inside. It looked like it had red eyes and red mouth. The ball was a pine board colour. I knew that Elon Musk, knew all about what this business was doing, and he was going to expose it. I knew it was about child trafficking. The ball looked a bit like a round light shade.
Personal note: time will tell - I am watching this space.
Two years ago, I heard the Lord say - Musk is a type of Trump. I did not even know who he was. Well Musk is certainly playing a huge roll in this present day 2025.
27 January 2023
I was at some party or some gathering of some sort. God told me to hit this pole thing hard. Out came this cylinder type thing and it fell on the floor. God gave me strict instructions to tell people not to touch it. A man did touch it and became very unwell within a minute or so.
Then others decided to touch it. They too became very unwell. The fear of God fell on them, they looked at me with disbelief.
Then upstairs we heard a horrible sound of screams and banging. A girl came down from there and the noise went on. I knew it was demonic. God said to call out in the crowd and ask if someone believed in deliverance and the power of God to deal with this thing together. The Lord asked me to do this 3 times until there were 4 of us.
30 May 2023 x 2 dreams
I was being chased by a huge black horse to the edge of a cliff. My horse Major from my childhood years came rushing ahead and with his muzzle heaved me up into the gulley of a roof. I was safe.
I was walking through chaos holding up a police sign. However, I knew it was God who was protecting me.
2 June 2023
I had at least two dreams in the night of the same thing. I was part of a first aid team to emergences.
6 June 2023
I woke with a sort of revelation how the Holy Spirit can make us really intelligent.
23 June 2023
I was inside sitting at a table with a man. I looked out the window and a ray of light came down. It then turned and came right for me. I felt awkward as this man was steering at me. I felt uncomfortable. Then the ray turned into a being of some sort. I saw a chain attached to him. He then turned and placed his hand on this man's chest. I was confused as to what was happening. The man then fought off this being? Maybe a demon?
(perhaps it was a warning dream)
9 August 2023
Saw two purple place mats
22 August 2023
Three of us were on top of this very high cliff. The focus was on this woman driving or test driving a new car. Just as she got in and started it up, she accidently drove it off the cliff. We were all in shock. I looked at the men, but they were motionless. I realized I had to do something to try and save her. I looked down over the cliff ready to dive in but there were massive blocks of stones, I would just dive onto them. I turned my back on the scene and took authority and commanded this lady to live. Next minute she was right beside me. I was stunned; it was like... how did you get here.
24 August 2024
I saw a little dinky cute business car - it was my car. It had all these logos on it. Health etc. It was very colourful and pretty.
7 September 2023
I was on a long boat. Like a large canoe. I was at the front but facing towards the back. I was looking at this man and girl who were sitting beside each other. This man was taking good care of her. I knew she needed comforted. I saw he was very gentle and kind. I knew this man had had a rough past himself. Taking care of this little precious one was going to change his life forever. His whole future was to be different as he felt trusted to look after her.
11 September 2023
All I can remember is I owned an island. It had a double name. First letter started with M, had 5 letters maybe. The second word started with a B and perhaps had 3 letters.
12 September 2023
I was looking after many babies. One of the mothers were coming to pick her baby up. I woke the baby and fed it with a bottle so baby was all ready to go when she arrived.
20 September 2023
Continuous dreams of seeing empty rooms.
18 October 2023
I was driving a car near the top of a cliff. I stopped as horses were coming up from the left right near the drop. One white horse fell over the cliff. It had a saddle on. Other horses were right on the edge around my car. Then a group of people were starting to pull my car back to safety, one wheel had gone over the cliff, but I was unaware until I saw these people pulling the car back with some sort of rope? I got out of the car in bewilderment.
31 January 2024
I was at home - not my real-life home. Then I heard a boom - then a massive silence. Then there was a sort of echo? x 2 or 3. Seemed what I would imagine as a nuclear bomb going off. I knew it was felt worldwide. Then a stream of water came through the kid's bedroom. A farmer came over. Then we saw massive amounts of white that looked like snow. There was so much of it, it was up to half my height.
Personal note: The Lord is rescuing the children. Exposure worldwide perhaps?
16 February 2024
I saw the name of a food company called Watties. This came up twice in the night. It was something to do with procedures in the company and I saw shoes, then feet going into the right shoe.
12 March 2024
I saw many mats all for different purposes. A dog was on one mat. then I saw the mats change? The mats changed as they touched.
27 April 2024
Face of Einstein in the sky. It was in white lines; he had glasses on.
Then I saw a large face of a clown. Full colours.
Then I saw black and white - like a pencil drawing of balloons flowers and petals.
29 May 2024
There were two of us going to clean a very dangerous prison area. It did not look like a prison from the outside. We met this person at the front, he said we had 6 minutes. We had our cleaning trays and went into a room to clean. We immediately saw dirty undies with fruit. We decided to leave this room and go down the hall. We got to the end and there were men standing around. they told us to go down into this cell/bunker type thing. It had a little ramp. I knew it was dangerous. Behind these men I saw an alcove in the wall, and it had a demon's green head on it, and it was alive. I said as a last resort - if I pray for the Holy Spirit to come will you let us go? Would you believe? I laid hands on one man and invited the H/S to come and show himself to these men. It was our only hope. YES, Holy Spirit showed up. Then I woke.
22 June 2024
I had made some jewelry. I saw them displayed in a dark black box. The light was dim, but I could see their sparkle.
23 June 2024
I was in some sort of garden. I was with someone who took care of the plants. We were making sure they were all well-watered. I had a stick that looked like a poll and water came out of the end on each side. He said 'these ones have plenty of water. water the ones out the front. they need at least a metre of water and to soak them.' I thought the ones out the front looked fine.
25 July 2024
I saw paddock gates, but to the side it was all open? No fence.
Personal note: Freedom?
4 September 2024
Something about the Sailing and Hair Industry.
Personal note: perhaps not so good.
31 October 2024
Then he exposed the den for donkey.
Personal note: Maybe it is about God exposing the deep state, cabal, the liars and the dirty cheaters..............worldwide.
21 November 2024
I got a picture of Gods hand touching President Trumps forehead. A BIG HAND came out of the sky. This person had on a white feathered Māori cloak. Very distinctive and beautiful. I think it had touches of black.
Personal note: at the time I thought what does Trump have to do with us? : time will tell.
January 2025
I had a dream near the end of January - I woke in the night and felt an urgency about it. I saw 5 missiles (not ignited) dropped into a paddock. There was a horse in the paddock. The missiles looked like pencils piled up. There were two, then two on top of them then one at the top. Very neat. The heads were facing to the left. Then I saw one start to move like it was remote controlled. It came up over my head and into what I knew was the back of a school caretaker building. Attached to this building was a classroom. I was shocked. I ran around the side of the building to the front screaming and yelling to the classroom to 'get out a bomb was going to go off'. I believe this is a warning dream. I believe the neatness of the missiles meant it was carefully and meticulously planned. Time to pray and get more discernment. And to use authority in Jesus Name.
Psalm 64 v 9
Then all men will fear [God’s judgment]; They will declare the work of God, And they will consider and wisely acknowledge what He has done.