Prophetic Words for Encouragement

Updated March 10 2025 - Please take note of the pictures as the Lord shows me which one to use

January 2025

A warning - Measure two or three times - cut once - the enemy is out to deceive and trick!

Most of us have heard the expression ‘measure twice, cut once’. Used in a carpentry sense (literal) it means you should double-check your measurements for accuracy before cutting a piece of wood; otherwise, it may be necessary to cut again, wasting time, materials and money.

The enemy is the great deceiver. He is very cunning and is the ultimate trickster. I can't stress highly enough about this. I feel it is so pertinent for now. There is a warning here about acting haphazardly - check with the Lord 2 or 3 times. Keep in prayer, discern, and use your armour. Be sober minded and vigilant. 

January 2025

A couple of months ago I heard the Lord say Pharmaceuticals = Counterfeit.  Recently I have had a bit of an epiphany. God made Adam from the dust of the ground. It spoke to me how our body needs minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, selenium etc.I encourage you to read the link below. It is a very interesting read. 

How the Rockefellers eliminated natural medicine to create the modern pharmaceutical industry | Amandala Newspaper

Ezekial 47:12

By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They shall bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”


I kept hearing in my spirit the word kiastama, or kiasama, kea stama, I did not know the spelling, but I kept hearing it.  This went on for a week or two. It was becoming annoying. As I was perusing telegram one day I came across the name Keir Starmer, They were not talking favourably of him. I was shocked as I knew this was the name the Lord was highlighting. I had never heard of this man before.

I googled him  - Sir Keir Rodney Starmer (born 2 September 1962) is a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 2024 and as Leader of the Labour Party since 2020. He previously served as Leader of the Opposition from 2020 to 2024.

March 3 2025. This morning in my notebook, I read this - If the Lord shows you something, 99% it is to pray and to intercede. If the Lord releases you to say it you will not be able to shake it off.  - (I CANNOT SHAKE THIS OFF)

Keep watch on this man. Pray. 

February 27 2025

I had a recent dream where I entered a large building. There was a large high ceiling - curved, pitched in the middle. There was an abundant amount of polished wood. It looked like a library only there were no books. I felt a sense of lure/danger like I was prey.

As I walked through this building I came across a group of people, approximately 8.

All of a sudden I found myself in a very disturbing scene where I was grabbed all over and held so I could not move an inch. I felt fear and disgust. All I could do was speak out scripture.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon formed against me will prosper.

Luke 10:19

I have given you power over all the power of the enemy.

I then tried to move my leg. I could move freely and there were no people around. I believe this is a word from the Lord to say this.  There are coming times/days where only the Word of God is going to change situations.  Nothing else will work. 

March 8 2025

Father, Son and Holy Spirit - may have spoken to you and may have given you a task.  

I hear him say - wait for the green light. Timing is everything. 

March 10 2025

My children, I see you running frantic, calling out to me - "Speak to me Lord, I can't bear it any more." Yet you busy yourselves with tasks and your mind is in turmoil. How can you hear if you don't still your mind and spirit?. You are like a bull at a gate. A closed gate. You want through but you are blocking your own breakthrough. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Still yourselves in an environment to hear from me. I want to talk and show you many things but you are getting in the way.


I am not going to barge in. You are flapping around but getting no where.

