January 2025
A warning - Measure two or three times - cut once - the enemy is out to deceive and trick!
Most of us have heard the expression ‘measure twice, cut once’. Used in a carpentry sense (literal) it means you should double-check your measurements for accuracy before cutting a piece of wood; otherwise, it may be necessary to cut again, wasting time, materials and money.
The enemy is the great deceiver. He is very cunning and is the ultimate trickster. I can't stress highly enough about this. I feel it is so pertinent for now. There is a warning here about acting haphazardly - check with the Lord 2 or 3 times. Keep in prayer, discern, and use your armour. Be sober minded and vigilant.
January 2025
A couple of months ago I heard the Lord say Pharmaceuticals = Counterfeit. Recently I have had a bit of an epiphany. God made Adam from the dust of the ground. It spoke to me how our body needs minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, selenium etc.I encourage you to read the link below. It is a very interesting read.
Ezekial 47:12
By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They shall bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.”
January 2025
I had a dream near the end of January - I woke in the night and felt an urgency about it. I saw 5 missiles (not ignited) dropped into a paddock. There was a horse in the paddock. The missiles looked like pencils piled up. There were two, then two on top of them then one at the top. Very neat. The heads were facing to the left. Then I saw one start to move like it was remote controlled. It came up over my head and into what I knew was the back of a school caretaker building. Attached to this building was a classroom. I was shocked. I ran around the side of the building to the front screaming and yelling to the classroom to 'get out a bomb was going to go off'. I believe this is a warning dream. I believe the neatness of the missiles meant it was carefully and meticulously planned. Time to pray and get more discernment. And to use authority in Jesus Name.
January 30 2025
I have had a lot of spiritual battles over www.jesuscares.site. Late yesterday 29th, I deleted all webpages. I was feeling very despondent.
This morning, in my prayer time I felt encouraged to set it up again, and I heard the Lord say 'colour'. One amazing thing I would like to share is this - after deleting it all the night before - I still had one online live page up. I tried to log in to my webpage dashboard and there was nothing - it only gave me the option of starting a new website. So, I went back to www.jesuscares.site and copied and then pasted all of the words from the years 2020 to 2022. Which saved me a lot of typing. All I had to do was put in the pictures. That was a huge relief!! Praise the Lord. That was a sign from the Lord that I was doing the right thing, and I had heard right.
February 7 2025
Faith is not in miracles - but in Jesus.
Taken from a little booklet by Reinhard Bonnke. How to receive a Miracle from God. Page 17. It really spoke to me and I felt led to put it on here.
Psalm 64 v 9
Then all men will fear [God’s judgment]; They will declare the work of God, And they will consider and wisely acknowledge what He has done.