Prophetic Words for Encouragement

Listening to God

My name is Anna. I am in my 60's. Female. Wife, Mother and Grandmother. I have been a Christian for 42 years. I have never held any leadership position in a church. I started receiving these words on January 8, 2020, and they just keep coming. Some 'words' you may not understand until they come to pass. Please test these words against scripture and discern for yourself.

1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 New King James Version

19. Do not quench the Spirit

20. Do not despise prophecies

21. Test all things; hold fast what is good

How the words flow:

I may feel a need to sit at the computer and log into my website builder, or he tells me to grab a piece of paper and write this down. (I just know). As I Iisten to music, fingers at the ready - all of a sudden, the words come. It is like they are bursting to come out. I feel confident they are not from me - because I have had a desire to write poetry/ short stories all my life - but have never been able to. I am sharing these words because I believe the Lord wants me to. I am just a messenger. He even shows me what picture to use with the word. HE is amazing. He is so awesome and incredulous. Beautiful and the kindest wonderful God.   

I would like to acknowledge Julie True and Ruth Fazel.  They can be found on Spotify. The Lord uses their music to open up the atmosphere for the "words" to flow.