Prophetic Words for Encouragement

From May 10 2024 to the latest - A SHIFT - last updated October 16 2024

Note: it is best to read this website like a book, from start to finish. This will make things more clear.

May 10 2024

The Great Commission - Mark 16 v 15-18

15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

June 2 2024

Haggai 2 v 6 & 7

For the Lord of Hosts says, in just a little while I will begin to shake and heavens and earth - and the oceans, too, and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the Desire of All Nations shall come to this Temple, and I will fill this place with my glory, says the Lord of Hosts.

August 11 2024


Recently I had a picture of our Lord standing side on. To his right were the lost and broken. It was as if they were at their wits end. (It was as if the TRUTHS had come out and they were bewildered and lost)

To his left were His saved children. I saw Jesus look at the lost = then turn to his saved children. 

I received this picture while in a prayer group and I shared it. One person felt it meant 'compassion'.

I have taken a week or so to discern what this means.

The Lord spoke to me through a write up from Wander Alger. (Posted on Facebook) 

Wanda Alger

August 8 at 9:02AM·

I was just reading a passage about Jesus' compassion when Holy Spirit stirred something inside me. Do you realize there is spiritual power in compassion? When Jesus was moved with compassion, He opened blind eyes (Matt 20:34), fed the multitudes (Matt 15:32), healed the sick (Matt 14:14), and even raised the dead (Luke 7:13). It was His intense love for His own that moved Him to take action and release His verdict against the forces aligned against them.

I wonder if the breakthroughs that are needed, both globally and personally, will not only come as a result of taking a righteous stand against wickedness, but standing alongside the suffering. It was the deep compassion of Jesus that moved Him into action, just as much as His fierce hatred of sin and the works of darkness.

Even as we ask for His truth to be revealed, our adversaries to be exposed, and thieves and robbers be brought to justice, so should we pray for His "Fury of Love" to compel us to action. Maybe it is when the Body of Christ rises with this depth of both zeal for truth and compassion for souls that heaven’s justice will be served.

Prophecy in progress

June 15 2023


There was once a little girl and a little boy. They were born into a world. They grew and grew. They became part of this world and believed all that was told to them. They put their trust in the leaders and the teachings of the day. They put their trust in believing that people of that world, had their best interests at heart. They put their trust in history. They put their trust in science. They put their trust in governments. They put their trust in food. They put their trust in medicines. They put their trust in famous people. They put their trust in what was told to them in the news. They built their lives around these core beliefs.

Overnight they awakened to have all their trusts and core beliefs come crashing down before them. They saw the hypocrisy and the lies. They saw the pain and horror that had been done to multitudes of people and children. They stood there in unbelief. They stood there not knowing which way to run or go. They stood there totally bewildered and totally dumfounded. They could not move.

God saw their pain and came rushing to hold them up. He came rushing to carry them and to be ALL and everything to them. He came to their rescue, and he came with such a force they felt like they were floating. They felt like they were light as air and were lifted up to high places, but their feet were still on the ground. He took all of their pain, and he took all of their confusion. He replaced it with his glorious presence. He replaced it with HIMSELF. He replaced it with His GLORY.

August 14 2024

I saw this below on Gitmo TV channel in Telegram - August 14, 2024 -

(It highlighted a word the Lord gave me above back in June 2023)

Major revelations are coming

Shocking truth about to be revealed

The story of what is about to happen will be the biggest news story in human history on planet Earth.

The Deep State Cabal oppressors with their criminal puppets and false stories of debt, banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terrorist attacks, plane crashes and religious deception are falling apart. More than 13 centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end. Disclosure means LIGHT and change for the healing of humanity and our planet.

People, inside and outside governments, are beginning to speak the truth with more energy, clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. Their words are being heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of our oppressors. Many things will come to light to see the world in a different light, the revelation of these truths will show how humanity has been deceived.

Many historical facts will be examined to find the exact truth. For example, how tsunamis, abnormal weather conditions and earthquakes in Japan, Central America and Haiti were deliberately caused by the cabal through secret government agencies. The fate of thousands of missing children around the world will be known. Also how and why diseases such as cancer, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1, Zika and Morgellons have been deliberately created.

To end the global warming hoax or climate change charade for deliberate environmental destruction such as poverty, wars, disease to restore the planet and humanity to optimum health.

To further increase the understanding of how deliberate bioterrorism, including GMOs, chemtrails, food poisoning, etc. are being practised by government agencies seeking to decimate the world’s population.

The 188-country BRICS alliance, led by China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, will become central to the global delivery of truthful news.

New “crowd-sourced” media channels will be launched. Dissemination of whistleblowing testimonies. Revelations of more effective and patriotic means of reorienting scientific research, banking, security and military culture.

Other major revelations are expected about the endemic professional corruption in health care. Pharmaceutical medicine will be shown to be a manipulative tool designed to make people sick rather than cure them.

The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons disguised as expensive drugs or vaccines. They are prescribed as necessary medicines, as are radical operations which in turn require expensive drugs.

Prophecies Fulfilled—Vaccines (

September 17 2024


Keep yourselves free from distractions.

Test everything you see, hear and do. Test everything that comes your way.

Be discerning - ask for discernment.

You are born of the spirit. 

You are called to release my will "says God"

Your voice matters

Your voice creates

Your voice pulls down.

Distractions may come in the form of what looks good. Ask the Lord if this is what he wants you to do.

Be very mindful. Wait on HIM for direction. 

Take your time. 

Do not rush thinking it looks right. Pause, listen and seek.

Philippians 4 v 7 English Standard Version
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Rushing is a distraction.

Slow down.

Wait on the Lord.

Wait for discernment.

Wait for empowerment.

Wait for Him.

Prophetic Word from Barry Wunsch

Prophetic Word: October is going to run hot & the weight of My Glory is going to be upon you! Wednesday September 18, 4:36 am MST Respectfully Submitted, Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer

Barry there is a Red Moon rising. The one tonight is a sign for my people. They have pushed Putin too far. And yes, they knew exactly what they were doing. The gate is closing.

Barry, tell my people they are playing with fire. What is about to come is something they have never seen before. Apocalyptic in nature if they had it their way. They will not play fair. They are like blood thirsty animals, driven by the demonic Prince of Persia. This has been centuries in the making. The bear, the dragon, and the eagle are in the center of it all.

Tensions have never been higher. Conditions are tinder dry. One more spark in the wrong place and it will be game on. There is a new year coming only a few days away on My calendar, not theirs. Let Me be clear. It is I who controls time and hold eternity in My hands. No other!

You shall see supernatural protection for My people. My righteousness right hand will cover them. Tell my people to fear not! This is not east vs west as much as it is good vs evil, light vs darkness. And I win, for I am the light! There are things that can't be avoided. There are things that have to play out. There are things that cannot be stopped. There are some things that have to take their course. Do not think that you have it figured out. There is nothing in days gone by that compares to what is about to take place. Man has been speculating for Centuries over these things than I have hidden. It is time to put speculations aside, it is time for action.

There is a merging together that is upon you now for people regions and nations in the light to stand up in the authority that I have given them and drive out this present darkness.! Conflict is unavoidable. There is no way around it. Again, I say unto you do not fear! For I am bringing freedom to the Nations. Do not resist it. And do not sit idly by. I assure you freedom is coming!

These evil regimes have had their day. They are not apprised of My weapons that are in My hands! I can jam them up in a second! They have no advantage on Me, The Lord God Almighty! They are delusional if they believe they do! There are National leaders, governments and organizations who you were brainwashed to trust that have been against you all along. They have been deeply infiltrated to the core and the highest chair. The dismantling and deconstruction of these evil structures and platforms is at hand! So, the question is, who is with Me? Who is prepared to walk with Me? Who is prepared to follow Me? Who is prepared to work with Me to bring heaven to earth? Who is prepared to help tear down? Who is prepared to rebuild? Who has counted the cost?

Did you think for a minute that I would do this alone? I have always worked with My people. Those called by My name. They can do nothing without Me, but as they move and walk in faith, I will bring the victory time and time again. And I shall get all the glory and the honor. For what is needed is impossible without Me! The deep state is already on their back foot!

I am about to wake up the masses! This can't be stopped. No amount of prayer will stop what I am about to do! Scales will fall off their eyes! They will be calling out unto My name! They will run to my Altar! They will cry out in repentance.

As they turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land. Again, October is going to run hot. The weight of My Glory is going to be upon you! 

Andrew Whalen - Prophecy 

(Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, the day God created Adam and Eve, and it’s celebrated as the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah 5785 begins at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1 (Oct. 2, 2024) and ends after night fall on Tishrei 2 (Oct. 4, 2024). 

On Rosh Hashanah this year.. in the spirit I saw angels blowing trumpets. That didn't necessarily come as a shock.. because it is known as the 'feast of trumpets'...

However, what did catch my attention was 'seeing' a wind blowing from their trumpets over the earth. I watched the winds set in motion the tearing of veils. I could hear veils tearing everywhere.

- And then I heard the Lord say "At the crucifixion, when the first veil was torn - the storm of darkness settled over the land. The Earth quaked, rocks split, graves were opened, and dead men told their tales."

I continued to listen and heard the Lord say, "In this hour the trumpets have released the winds to rend the veils! The 'storm of darkness will settle over the land, but this will be the backdrop for the tearing of occult veils! A great uncovering of secrets and lies. They buried their works in blood, but now the graves will open, and those they thought were dead will will now talk again and tell their tales!"

-I hear the Lord say "Fear not in this hour of great shaking, for without this coming hour, the veils would remain. But the Earth will know the truth, and the truth will set them free!" -"They will be ashamed, yes they will be ashamed, but I will reveal my son and glorify His name - those who's hope is in me will never be put to shame!"

Julie Green 7 October 2024

Julie Green gave a powerful word today, where God clearly states we are in the time where justice is happening: LIVE WITH JULIE - 7 October 2024 PROPHETIC WORD [Word heard – October 3, 2024 - not the official transcription]: "My children your enemies have designed many plans of destruction against your nation and this election. The Port Strike is not as you suppose. Your elections wanted this strike for the final collapse of this nation but I have other plans. There are plans against your enemies in the works and the strike will blow up in their face. It’ll bring explosive proof of what they were doing to you and how they used those ports for things of evil and destruction. It’s not just the children they were bringing. They are bringing weapons here against you camouflaged as products and goods and this time were meant to bring much death. This had to be stopped. Your enemies were planning much devastation with these products and they thought that this disruption to your food supply and products was ????? Even more where your enemies don’t know and their plans (a), (b), (c) or (d) and their end plan. It doesn’t matter to me. You will see my children those ports, instead of devouring you and your nation, it will devour your enemies. Videos are coming to show you those ports and what’s going on in the dead of night - what was really being passed through against you. This port disruption, these hurricanes, all election interference, their planned October surprise will all blow up in their face as I show your enemies their place says the Lord. Are you ready My children for what I have warned you about is here. The time I have been preparing you for it’s now. A great collapse is coming, the collapse of globalism, the final collapse of their barbaric system used to enslave you. The credit system I will dismantle. My children that was never meant to be for you. The Stock Market was used against you. They only used these things to bring you under their control. You would see these things you never thought you would see, and you would hear things you never thought you would hear. They only used these things to bring you under their control. You would see these things you never thought you would see, and you would hear things you never thought you would hear. Children of the Most High, do you not see your enemies are trying to crush your nation and try to bring it under a massive strain for it to completely collapse? You have absent leaders it to completely collapse? You have absent leaders it appears like but they are not absent. They are very present, wanting and desiring to destroy you and to set your nation on fire and enjoying watching it burn. The Biden and Kamala, this is a time of great judgment for your stealing and trying to destroy My nation. The time has come for your removals in unprecedented ways. How dare you start those fires and how dare you watch My nation burn and cause such great devastation. Do you think you can get away with another election steal, by ripping it from the people’s decision. Think again. Judgment is about to strike that White House and where you reside. The ones making those decisions that you’re a part of, you’re the puppets they chose to use as a front of the cameras. You didn’t make those decisions but you’re just as guilty. For the Biden and Kamala, your reign as president and vice-president, even though you were fake and your administration is fake, you never had any power, you were the ones chosen by the Establishment to take the heat in the brunt of hatred from the nations. And of the nations do not accept the plan of your masters they will still want to keep face and stay in their place, so they chose you to fall for them."


October 8 2024

Romans 1:18

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

October 11 2024

Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood"

Urgent Word From The Lord On Yom Kippur! - 12 October 2024 - (13 October 2024 NZ time)

Amanda Grace - Ark of Grace Ministry

Amanda received a Word from the Lord on Yom Kippur!

Well worth a listen 

Listen to the prohecy from Julie Green 14 October 2024 - click below

When God speaks, HE need only speak once